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Birth Chart Calculator

Use this free calculator to access your basic birth chart - just enter the day, time and place where you were born. But remember: Knowing the exact time is critical for the accuracy of the results. If you don't know the correct time, enter 12.00 am.

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Discover Your Cosmic DNA!

If you're new to astrology, you might think that only your Sun sign describes you completely. But even though it's the zodiac sign you refer to most often and use the most, it doesn't express your whole personality. The horoscopes you read every month are only a small slice of your cosmic self. Because these interpretations are based only on the position of the Sun at the moment of birth. Your birth chart, however, takes into account all the celestial bodies in the solar system. If you want to fully experience how astrology applies to you, your life path and future opportunities, you need to study your full natal chart. Are you ready for this unique journey with Astopia?

What is a birth chart in astrology?

A natal chart is like a cosmic fingerprint and contains unique astrological elements that define you. It is created based on the date, time and place of your birth and is unique to you. It is a celestial guide to your entire life. There are many elements in the chart, from the Sun to the Moon, planets and asteroids. These elements are located in specific signs and houses, reflecting your personality, emotions and various aspects of your life. The natal chart is a reflection of the cosmic situation at the moment of your birth and offers deep insights into your inner world and your external interactions.

A common misconception about natal charts is that they are just like personalized horoscopes. Reading a daily, weekly or monthly horoscope can provide general guidance based only on the Sun sign. However, your birth chart is a detailed guide to your life, including all planets, astrological houses and many other elements. It contains detailed and personalized advice that is unique to you. Moreover, birth charts can be prepared not only for individuals but also for important events.

For example, when a couple gets married, the astrological chart of this special moment can also be created. This chart is based on the date and place of the signing of the marriage certificate. Astopia is with you on this journey of celestial discovery! By analyzing the details of your birth chart, she reveals your inner potential, strengths and weaknesses. With Astopia's guidance, you can delve deeper into this unique chart and embark on a transformative journey towards self-awareness and growth, guided by the wisdom of the stars.

How to read the birth chart

Each chart consists of three main components: houses, planets and signs. The planets represent certain energies. The zodiac signs indicate how these energies are expressed. The houses show in which areas of your life these energies are active.


It holds the keys to your character, emotions and self. Each planet represents a different aspect in astrology; for example, the Sun is associated with the self and self-identity, while the Moon is associated with your emotional side and inner world. The positions of the planets help you understand how your personal characteristics and life experiences are shaped.


The placement of each planet in a sign indicates how the energy of that planet is expressed. The zodiac signs represent 12 different areas in which the energies of the planets are characterized, and these areas determine different aspects of your personality. For example, Mars in Aries symbolizes a direct and bold expression of energy and entrepreneurship.


The 12 houses in your chart represent different areas of your life. Each house focuses on a different area of life; for example, the first house is about self-expression and personal identity, while the seventh house is about partnerships and open relationships. The positions of the planets and signs in these houses indicate which areas of your life are more characterized by certain energies and experiences.

Astopia's Cosmic Key: Discover Your Potential with Your Birth Chart!

Your birth chart, like your fingerprint, is unique and holds the depths of who you are. Take this unique journey with Astopia to understand the cosmic map of your life and discover the wisdom that the universe offers you. Guided by your personalized birth chart, discover the messages of the universe and meet the light within you!

Planets and their meanings

Each planet shows how you move through different corners of your life and how you can challenge the challenges that come your way. In Astopia, we will explore the role of these celestial actors in your personal story. From everyday encounters to major changes, we'll offer practical insights to help you understand how to harmonize with the planets' energies.


Core Identity




Communication & Intellect


Relationships & Harmony


Energy & Drive


Growth & Wisdom


Structure & Discipline


Change & Rebellion


Spirituality & Subconscious


Power & Rebirth

12 Houses in Astrology

1st House: Self and Identity

The first house in your chart is often referred to as the Ascendant Sign or Ascendant House. Also known as the 'house of the self', this house represents how you are perceived, how you make an impression on the outside world. It determines the way you express yourself, your first impressions and your general appearance. The zodiac sign in this house largely shapes the main characteristics of your character, the general tone of your energy and your general attitude and approach to life. Especially at a young age, the influence of the zodiac sign in this house is very evident in your identity formation and how you emerge as an individual.

2nd House: Personal Assets and Values

The second house, the 'house of money and material things' is one of the two financial houses in the natal chart. It encompasses your earning methods, material possessions and spending behavior. More abstractly, it expresses what you value most and what you need to feel secure and stable.

3rd House: Communication and Short Travels

The third house governs communication, whether written or spoken, showing the strength of your intellect and the way you relate to others. It is connected to your immediate environment, encompassing your siblings, neighbors and your basic education. It is also called the 'house of transportation', encompassing your vehicle and short trips.

4th House: Family and Roots

The fourth house rules your family, home, parents, ancestors and also real estate. Located at the base of the chart, this house is seen as the most private or personal house. It deals with the foundations of your life, your upbringing and how you put down roots and build a sanctuary for yourself as an adult.

5th House: Creativity and Romance

The fifth house is the house of pleasure, but it also encompasses artistic self-expression, the inner child and all the ways you enjoy life. It rules fun, risk-taking and all kinds of formations (if you have children it can include them too). It is also a romantic house.

6th House: Daily Routines and Health

The sixth house governs life-sustaining aspects such as your health, diet, fitness and personal hygiene. It is one of the two 'work houses', representing your work habits and daily existence. At a deeper level, it determines the service you provide for your community or others.

7th House: Partnerships and Marriage

The seventh house governs all kinds of relationships and interactions (think of your business partner, mentor or even your hairdresser). It covers your marriage or an important romantic relationship. However, it also includes other types of interactions: If there is someone who is clearly your enemy, they are also part of this house.

8th House: Transformation and Rebirth

The eighth house represents sexual union, life and rebirth as a transformative process. It leads to the deep intimacy that can only be achieved through the complete union of souls. Along with the second house, this house has authority over financial matters, but not over your own financial matters. Rather, it has a say over the funds of others, such as your spouse or parents, as well as taxes and inheritances.

9th House: Philosophy and Distant Travels

The ninth house is the house of philosophy, ruling religion, metaphysics and further education. It reflects your moral and ethical beliefs as well as your perceptions and attitudes towards society in general. It also covers the requirements for harmonious coexistence with others and extensive travel.

10th House: Career and Public Image

Undoubtedly, the tenth house is the most 'public house' at the apex of the natal chart. Just like the sixth house, it shares a relationship with your work, but has a deeper connection with your social role. It rules work, career and prestige. As a result, individuals in positions of power and in the public eye are also associated with this house, which is crucial to your overall success in life. If any of the 10 planets in your chart are positioned in this house, it will have an important place in your life.

11th House: Communities and Friendships

The eleventh house represents partnerships, teamwork and friendships as it controls social interactions and your community involvement. This house reflects where you stand as an individual, as well as your role within wider communities and groups.

12th House: Privacy and Spiritualism

The twelfth house rules your subconscious, intuition and the mysterious. Often considered the house of the unseen realm and the house of return, it reflects themes of sadness, shadow and karma. The seventh house rules open enemies, while the twelfth house rules hidden enemies.

What Awaits You in Your Birth Chart?

Your natal chart shows how the planets in the sky can affect you according to their positions at the time of your birth. Astrology does not make precise future predictions, but it provides guidance in interpreting your current situation and potential experiences through your birth chart and the positions of the planets.

Certain energies that become active during certain periods of your life can sometimes cause you to take action, while others may require you to be more introverted and observant. Analyzing your birth chart can offer insights into potential transformation points in your life. But remember, your natal chart is dynamic and evolves with you.

Bringing the chart up to date helps astrologers see what will end, begin, change or evolve over the years. Astrology can predict periods of opportunity in your life, major emotional changes and the times that will be most successful or challenging. One thing is certain: Once you understand your birth chart, you will never read horoscopes the same way again.

For in-depth insights into your potential self, visit Astopia. With daily, weekly and monthly astrological interpretations on Astopia, you can get an idea of which periods in your life will be important for you.

Personalized Advice

Astopia analyzes your birth chart in depth and explains the effects of planetary placements on your life in detail. In line with this analysis, she offers suggestions for weekly rituals, meditations, affirmations and the effects of the day to keep your energy in balance, to create positive effects in your daily life or to protect you from possible difficulties. With these personalized suggestions based on celestial movements, Astopia guides you to take the most appropriate steps on your journey. With Astopia, you can spend each day in a more conscious, balanced and harmonious way.

How to determine birth chart compatibility with astopia

Astopia's 'Compatibility' feature analyzes the astrological compatibility of you and your chosen one in depth through the synastry chart. This is not just a superficial compatibility analysis based on the Sun sign, but a comprehensive comparison of the Sun, Moon and eight other planets in both people's birth charts, as well as critical points such as the rising sign. In romantic relationships, how the partners' Sun and Moon signs combine is vital to understanding the level of compatibility in the relationship. Positive alignments where the Sun and Moon form harmonic aspects often reflect the harmonious and supportive nature of the relationship.

During a synastry analysis, the natal charts of both people are compared and the aspects between the Sun, Moon and planets (e.g. square, opposition, trine) and the interactions between the signs are examined in detail. This comparison reveals the dynamics, strengths, challenges and areas for development in the relationship.

With Astopia's 'Harmony' feature, you can access the wealth of information offered by the synastry chart to explore the potential of your relationship and understand the deeper layers of your relationship. Using this feature, you can get practical insights and suggestions to improve the quality of your relationship and overcome potential challenges.

What's even more exciting is that with Astopia, you can analyze not only your own birth chart, but also the birth chart of the person you are adding!

How often should you read your birth chart?

Your natal chart is the astrological map of your life and the more often you pay attention to it, the deeper your relationship with yourself will become.

Analyzing your natal chart is of great importance at special times for you, especially at the beginning of the year and on your solar return, your birthday. The beginning of a new year means a fresh start, and the intersection of the current celestial pattern with your natal chart during this period functions as an annual forecast for you. This annual forecast evaluates the influences on you and offers insights into what awaits you in the coming period. By getting your annual forecast on Astopia, you can use this valuable information as a guide on your personal journey.

It is also recommended to study the Solar Return Chart around your birthday, at a time when the Sun returns to the position it was in when you were born. This chart reveals the overall tone of your personal year and potential developments in the period ahead.

But remember, your natal chart grows and changes with you and you can review it at any time. With the daily, weekly and monthly astrological analysis offered by Astopia, you can follow personal development trends and approach the important milestones of your life more consciously.

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Astrological interpretations and meditation suggestions all in ones single app – it’s amazing! Birth chart is the icing on the cake!

It knows me better than I know myself.

I’m addicted to this app – it’s so good. I look at it every morning when I wake up, it’s a real motivator. Daily and weekly prognoses are on point.

It has quality content enriched with brand new features every day! Especially enjoyed the birth chart section. I follow daily and weekly interpretations regularly.

I liked the app very much, I recommend those who are interested in astrology to try it.

Today is my first day. My close friend's comments are great, you should definitely download it. All the comments match.

Excellent application, I loved it, download it

A very nice application, I'm glad I discovered it, try it, you will not regret it

All the comments that I reviewed at the beginning of the week come true one by one during the week! I love this app

I got interested in astrology and I have never come across such detailed content as this application, recommended

Astrological interpretations and meditation suggestions all in ones single app – it’s amazing! Birth chart is the icing on the cake!

It knows me better than I know myself.

I’m addicted to this app – it’s so good. I look at it every morning when I wake up, it’s a real motivator. Daily and weekly prognoses are on point.

It has quality content enriched with brand new features every day! Especially enjoyed the birth chart section. I follow daily and weekly interpretations regularly.

I liked the app very much, I recommend those who are interested in astrology to try it.

Today is my first day. My close friend's comments are great, you should definitely download it. All the comments match.

Excellent application, I loved it, download it

A very nice application, I'm glad I discovered it, try it, you will not regret it

All the comments that I reviewed at the beginning of the week come true one by one during the week! I love this app

I got interested in astrology and I have never come across such detailed content as this application, recommended

Astrological interpretations and meditation suggestions all in ones single app – it’s amazing! Birth chart is the icing on the cake!

It knows me better than I know myself.

I’m addicted to this app – it’s so good. I look at it every morning when I wake up, it’s a real motivator. Daily and weekly prognoses are on point.

It has quality content enriched with brand new features every day! Especially enjoyed the birth chart section. I follow daily and weekly interpretations regularly.

I liked the app very much, I recommend those who are interested in astrology to try it.

Today is my first day. My close friend's comments are great, you should definitely download it. All the comments match.

Excellent application, I loved it, download it

A very nice application, I'm glad I discovered it, try it, you will not regret it

All the comments that I reviewed at the beginning of the week come true one by one during the week! I love this app

I got interested in astrology and I have never come across such detailed content as this application, recommended

Astrological interpretations and meditation suggestions all in ones single app – it’s amazing! Birth chart is the icing on the cake!

It knows me better than I know myself.

I’m addicted to this app – it’s so good. I look at it every morning when I wake up, it’s a real motivator. Daily and weekly prognoses are on point.

It has quality content enriched with brand new features every day! Especially enjoyed the birth chart section. I follow daily and weekly interpretations regularly.

I liked the app very much, I recommend those who are interested in astrology to try it.

Today is my first day. My close friend's comments are great, you should definitely download it. All the comments match.

Excellent application, I loved it, download it

A very nice application, I'm glad I discovered it, try it, you will not regret it

All the comments that I reviewed at the beginning of the week come true one by one during the week! I love this app

I got interested in astrology and I have never come across such detailed content as this application, recommended

Astrological interpretations and meditation suggestions all in ones single app – it’s amazing! Birth chart is the icing on the cake!

It knows me better than I know myself.

I’m addicted to this app – it’s so good. I look at it every morning when I wake up, it’s a real motivator. Daily and weekly prognoses are on point.

It has quality content enriched with brand new features every day! Especially enjoyed the birth chart section. I follow daily and weekly interpretations regularly.

I liked the app very much, I recommend those who are interested in astrology to try it.

Today is my first day. My close friend's comments are great, you should definitely download it. All the comments match.

Excellent application, I loved it, download it

A very nice application, I'm glad I discovered it, try it, you will not regret it

All the comments that I reviewed at the beginning of the week come true one by one during the week! I love this app

I got interested in astrology and I have never come across such detailed content as this application, recommended

Astrological interpretations and meditation suggestions all in ones single app – it’s amazing! Birth chart is the icing on the cake!

It knows me better than I know myself.

I’m addicted to this app – it’s so good. I look at it every morning when I wake up, it’s a real motivator. Daily and weekly prognoses are on point.

It has quality content enriched with brand new features every day! Especially enjoyed the birth chart section. I follow daily and weekly interpretations regularly.

I liked the app very much, I recommend those who are interested in astrology to try it.

Today is my first day. My close friend's comments are great, you should definitely download it. All the comments match.

Excellent application, I loved it, download it

A very nice application, I'm glad I discovered it, try it, you will not regret it

All the comments that I reviewed at the beginning of the week come true one by one during the week! I love this app

I got interested in astrology and I have never come across such detailed content as this application, recommended