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What Awaits You in the New Year?

2024 Sky Guide

A 2024 full of curiosity awaits you! Guiding you on this cosmic journey, Astopia will help you step into the mysterious world of the stars. Whether you are on the path of love, career or personal growth, 2024 will be your year with the unique guidance of the sky. The stars are waiting for you, are you ready to embark on this cosmic discovery?

Light Up Your Life
with the Moon Phases!

New Moon: The New Moon represents new beginnings and is an ideal time to set intentions and start new projects. For instance, it's a perfect time to start a new exercise program or engage in creative endeavors during the New Moon. It’s a suitable period for making changes in your life.

First Quarter: This phase symbolizes decision-making and taking action. It's about overcoming challenges and moving forward. For example, the First Quarter is a time for making significant decisions. It's a great period for tackling challenging tasks at work or resolving personal conflicts.

Full Moon: The Full Moon is often associated with climax and awareness. It's a time when emotions and insights intensify. For instance, during the Full Moon, emotional and intuitive senses increase. It’s a wonderful time to review personal relationships and establish meaningful connections.

Last Quarter: This phase is about letting go of things that no longer serve you and preparing for new beginnings. For example, the Last Quarter is an ideal time to end harmful habits. It's a great period to let go of the old and make room for the new.

If you want to follow the daily effects more closely and receive personal astrology guidance, download the Astopia app. Discover what the stars mean for you today and guide your life in the light of astrology!

2024 Astrological Important Dates

Money and Success

January 21, 2024 – 2043

Pluto in Aquarius. During this period, significant innovations and changes can occur in the fields of science, technology, and communication. Your personal freedom may increase, and you might experience fundamental changes.

January 27 – September 1, 2024

Uranus Retrograde in Taurus. Unexpected developments can occur in financial matters, and in the fields of land and food. You may engage in material and spiritual initiatives in search of freedom.

April 2 – April 25, 2024

Mercury Retrograde in Aries. You should be careful of misunderstandings in communication. Caution is advised in business ventures and technological purchases.

May 26, 2024 – June 10, 2025

Jupiter in Gemini. During this period, expansion and opportunities in education, communication, and information sharing can occur. Positive developments in commercial matters and financial issues are possible.

June 2 – December 8, 2024

Neptune Retrograde in Pisces. In this process, you may embark on an inner spiritual journey and turn towards artistic activities.

June 29 – November 15, 2024

Saturn Retrograde in Pisces. During this period, you can focus on responsibilities you found difficult in the past and take responsibility for future-oriented goals.

August 5 – August 29, 2024

Mercury Retrograde in Virgo. Disruptions in work life and daily routines can occur. Misunderstandings at work may happen, focusing on old projects during this period can be beneficial.

October 9, 2024 – February 4, 2025

Jupiter Retrograde. Communication problems and misunderstandings may increase during this period. You can make preparations for future plans and turn towards education and development opportunities.

November 26 – December 15, 2024

Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius. Delays in education and matters related to foreigners may occur. During this period, you could graduate as a result of your educational efforts.

December 7, 2024 – February 25, 2025

Mars Retrograde in Leo. You may experience a loss of courage and motivation. Focusing on existing projects rather than starting new ventures may be more appropriate during this period.

December 13, 2023 – January 2, 2024

Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn. In this period, you may experience disruptions in communication and mental activities in the areas of work, career, and social status. Difficulties may arise in matters related to foreigners, law, and education. You should be cautious in important business ventures and educational pursuits.

2024 Astrological Important Dates


March 25, 2024

Lunar Eclipse in Libra

On March 25, 2024, we will experience a Lunar Eclipse at 5 degrees of Libra. With the eclipse effect, fate-related issues regarding your work environment, daily tasks, and health may arise. You might deal with hidden matters surfacing in your work life. If ongoing disputes in your job exist, you may consider changing jobs. You could engage in joint business ventures or make decisions to continue in this direction in your career. If not working, you can have meetings for job starts or step into the workforce. The eclipse effect might also bring developments that increase your earnings from your career. You can receive support from your social circle regarding work. Additionally, if you're single, someone from your social or work environment might enter your life for a relationship. You can change your daily routines for a healthier life.

April 8, 2024

Solar Eclipse in Aries

On April 8, 2024, we will experience a Solar Eclipse at 19 degrees of Aries. During this eclipse, which will happen in the background, you might deal with matters beyond your control. You may prefer to stay in the background against rapidly developing situations around you. You might give more importance to your personal desires and needs. New fateful beginnings in your work life could occur during this influence, where maintaining calmness will be necessary. The eclipse might make you feel tense and aggressive. Therefore, you shouldn't neglect your physical and psychological health. You can turn to areas like yoga and meditation to calm down. Additionally, you can focus on plans for your future goals. During this influence, you should be careful about accidents caused by carelessness and avoid risky behaviors.

September 18, 2024

Lunar Eclipse in Pisces

On September 18, 2024, we will experience a Lunar Eclipse at 25 degrees of Pisces. With the eclipse effect, you might confront hidden matters in your social circle and love life. Your energy to forgive past grievances in your friend circle might increase. You can approach your friends more emotionally and compassionately. You might work on your future dreams and take responsibilities. Developments that inspire you to realize your dreams are possible. You can turn to artistic subjects and engage in initiatives serving the collective. You can join organizations like associations and foundations. You might desire to express your emotions freely. You can be involved in group projects in your work life. While trying to increase your earnings from your career, balancing your income and expenses will become important. If single, someone from your social circle might enter your life for a relationship.

October 2, 2024

Solar Eclipse in Libra

On October 2, 2024, we will experience a Solar Eclipse at 10 degrees of Libra. This eclipse, accompanied by the karmic effects of the lunar nodes, can bring fateful new beginnings. The eclipse happening on the side of the South Node will support leaving behind issues and people you feel are holding you back and starting a new chapter. If you feel a situation in your work life is draining and hindering your goals, you may look for new job opportunities. You might encounter career opportunities and engage in joint business ventures. However, you may need to struggle and exert effort for your business ventures. You could take a new direction in your career, join new work colleagues. You can sign documents or make agreements related to your work life. This intense and exhausting influence might require you to pay attention to your physical and psychological health. It's important not to neglect health checks. Additionally, you can adopt a pet, and make innovations in your routines.

2024 Astrological Important Dates

Love and Relationships

February 14, 2024

Venus Enters Aquarius: During this period, you may develop a love approach that is fond of freedom and open to differences. Freedom and independence may come to the forefront in relationships.

March 25, 2024

Lunar Eclipse in Libra: This eclipse will be influential on partnerships and joint ventures. You may make serious decisions in your relationship, and hidden matters may come to light. You will seek balance and harmony in relationships. During this period, it might be possible to distance yourself from people and environments that are not good for you.

April 1, 2024

Venus Enters Pisces: With this transition, you may exhibit a more sensitive and empathetic approach in emotional and romantic relationships. Sacrifice and understanding may become important in relationships.

April 8, 2024

Solar Eclipse in Aries: A period to bring out your courage for new beginnings. There can be innovations in relationships and your outlook on life. This period may bring up military events and issues related to weapons. You will need to be careful in relationships and individual steps.

May 26, 2024

Jupiter Begins Its Journey in Gemini (Until June 10, 2025): During this transit of Jupiter, your communication with your social circle may increase, and your circle of friends may expand. You may have the chance to meet people from different cultures, and romantic relationships can come into play. A relationship may start from your educational life or from afar.

June 1, 2024

Venus Enters Aries: During this period, you may be bolder and more assertive in relationships. The desire to take the first step in love and make new beginnings may increase.

September 18, 2024

Lunar Eclipse in Pisces: With the effect of this eclipse, you may confront matters that have been kept secret from you in your social circle and love life. Your energy to forgive past grievances may increase, and you could approach your friends with more emotional and compassionate attitudes.

September 18, 2024

Lunar Eclipse in Pisces: A period when hidden matters may come to light. You may experience emotional sensitivities, and the energy to forgive grievances can be high. Relationships may bring surprising situations and shocking topics.

October 2, 2024

Solar Eclipse in Libra: In this period, there is potential for starting a new relationship or taking serious steps in an existing one. Important decisions can be made in relationships and joint ventures. Hidden matters in relationships may come to the surface.

2024 Astrological Important Dates


December 13, 2023 – January 2, 2024

Mercury Retrograde

In this period, Mercury will start in Capricorn and then retrograde into Sagittarius on December 23. Initially, you'll feel the retro effects of Mercury in work and career matters, then in education and travel. Communication difficulties, technological issues, and old matters resurfacing are likely. After the retrograde ends, it will be more appropriate to make new beginnings; positive responses from old applications are possible. This period can be suitable for planning and completing old projects.

April 2 – April 25, 2024

Mercury Retrograde

During this period, Mercury will retrograde in Aries. Delays in buying new technological devices, misunderstandings, and communication breakdowns are possible. Hasty actions and words can lead to communication accidents. Patience is key in traffic, and attention to vehicle maintenance and rules will be necessary. Also, past issues and people may resurface. This period can be suitable for preparing for new beginnings and reviewing past lessons.

August 5 – August 29

Mercury Retrograde

Mercury Retrograde from August 5-15 in Virgo can lead to disruptions in work life and daily routines, communication breakdowns, and misunderstandings. During this period, while expecting significant developments, promotions, or returns from job applications in the work area, being cautious is important. It's a period when health checks should not be neglected. From August 15-29, the Retrograde in Leo will bring love life and hobbies to the forefront, and past relationships and karmic issues may arise.

December 7, 2024 – February 25, 2025

Mars Retrograde

Mars will start its Retrograde motion in Leo and Cancer. During this period, you may feel low energy and avoid bold actions. You might experience a loss of motivation, so focusing on unfinished tasks can be beneficial. You may encounter aggressive and impulsive behaviors in your love life and social circle. Unaddressed issues in relationships may surface. Taking time for yourself and focusing on hobbies can make this period more productive. Maintaining calmness and avoiding hasty decisions will be important.

Prepare for 2024 with Astopia's Guidance

A 2024 filled with transformative changes and opportunities brought by exciting celestial movements awaits you! How should you navigate this period? Discover relationship harmony, analyze your birth chart, and utilize many more features with Astopia to step into 2024, enriched with the beauty of your past.

Astopia will deepen your connection with the stars, helping you understand your astrological ties more profoundly. Whether it's in love, career, or personal growth, Astopia is by your side. The app will prepare you for the astrological influences of 2024, aiding you in taking more conscious steps in every aspect of your life.

If you want to benefit from this cosmic guidance, download Astopia now and start discovering what the stars have in store for you. Remember, the sky always holds a sign, and Astopia deciphers these signs for you. Be ready for the future, because 2024 is your year!

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It has quality content enriched with brand new features every day! Especially enjoyed the birth chart section. I follow daily and weekly interpretations regularly.

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A very nice application, I'm glad I discovered it, try it, you will not regret it

All the comments that I reviewed at the beginning of the week come true one by one during the week! I love this app

I got interested in astrology and I have never come across such detailed content as this application, recommended

Astrological interpretations and meditation suggestions all in ones single app – it’s amazing! Birth chart is the icing on the cake!

It knows me better than I know myself.

I’m addicted to this app – it’s so good. I look at it every morning when I wake up, it’s a real motivator. Daily and weekly prognoses are on point.

It has quality content enriched with brand new features every day! Especially enjoyed the birth chart section. I follow daily and weekly interpretations regularly.

I liked the app very much, I recommend those who are interested in astrology to try it.

Today is my first day. My close friend's comments are great, you should definitely download it. All the comments match.

Excellent application, I loved it, download it

A very nice application, I'm glad I discovered it, try it, you will not regret it

All the comments that I reviewed at the beginning of the week come true one by one during the week! I love this app

I got interested in astrology and I have never come across such detailed content as this application, recommended

Astrological interpretations and meditation suggestions all in ones single app – it’s amazing! Birth chart is the icing on the cake!

It knows me better than I know myself.

I’m addicted to this app – it’s so good. I look at it every morning when I wake up, it’s a real motivator. Daily and weekly prognoses are on point.

It has quality content enriched with brand new features every day! Especially enjoyed the birth chart section. I follow daily and weekly interpretations regularly.

I liked the app very much, I recommend those who are interested in astrology to try it.

Today is my first day. My close friend's comments are great, you should definitely download it. All the comments match.

Excellent application, I loved it, download it

A very nice application, I'm glad I discovered it, try it, you will not regret it

All the comments that I reviewed at the beginning of the week come true one by one during the week! I love this app

I got interested in astrology and I have never come across such detailed content as this application, recommended

Astrological interpretations and meditation suggestions all in ones single app – it’s amazing! Birth chart is the icing on the cake!

It knows me better than I know myself.

I’m addicted to this app – it’s so good. I look at it every morning when I wake up, it’s a real motivator. Daily and weekly prognoses are on point.

It has quality content enriched with brand new features every day! Especially enjoyed the birth chart section. I follow daily and weekly interpretations regularly.

I liked the app very much, I recommend those who are interested in astrology to try it.

Today is my first day. My close friend's comments are great, you should definitely download it. All the comments match.

Excellent application, I loved it, download it

A very nice application, I'm glad I discovered it, try it, you will not regret it

All the comments that I reviewed at the beginning of the week come true one by one during the week! I love this app

I got interested in astrology and I have never come across such detailed content as this application, recommended

Astrological interpretations and meditation suggestions all in ones single app – it’s amazing! Birth chart is the icing on the cake!

It knows me better than I know myself.

I’m addicted to this app – it’s so good. I look at it every morning when I wake up, it’s a real motivator. Daily and weekly prognoses are on point.

It has quality content enriched with brand new features every day! Especially enjoyed the birth chart section. I follow daily and weekly interpretations regularly.

I liked the app very much, I recommend those who are interested in astrology to try it.

Today is my first day. My close friend's comments are great, you should definitely download it. All the comments match.

Excellent application, I loved it, download it

A very nice application, I'm glad I discovered it, try it, you will not regret it

All the comments that I reviewed at the beginning of the week come true one by one during the week! I love this app

I got interested in astrology and I have never come across such detailed content as this application, recommended

Astrological interpretations and meditation suggestions all in ones single app – it’s amazing! Birth chart is the icing on the cake!

It knows me better than I know myself.

I’m addicted to this app – it’s so good. I look at it every morning when I wake up, it’s a real motivator. Daily and weekly prognoses are on point.

It has quality content enriched with brand new features every day! Especially enjoyed the birth chart section. I follow daily and weekly interpretations regularly.

I liked the app very much, I recommend those who are interested in astrology to try it.

Today is my first day. My close friend's comments are great, you should definitely download it. All the comments match.

Excellent application, I loved it, download it

A very nice application, I'm glad I discovered it, try it, you will not regret it

All the comments that I reviewed at the beginning of the week come true one by one during the week! I love this app

I got interested in astrology and I have never come across such detailed content as this application, recommended